Friday, October 27, 2006

supporting ethically in the person centred way

I opened an email today that asked me for advice? Now what's wrong with that? Nothing. However, in offering advice I'd say that I have to be true to my approach. That is to say that being person centred is what I truly feel, is the best approach a person can take with this in terms of accepting any advice being offered.

Then to my next question? "whose advice is the 'best?" A client might ask. I would feel if you are presupposing that someone elses' advice is, then what does that say about your own inner thoughts and ability to find solutions? I worked as an advice worker in London and was used to offering a range of options for the young people to explore. Sometimes there was very factual information and sometimes it was clear to a young person that such and such should be done.

However, this is being person centred with factual information.
Being any other way would be telling someone what to do.

I have offered the chap that wrote the email, the opportunity to embark on his query with me with an openness towards the person centred approach. If he agrees, then he might truly find his own internal advice more useful than that of any 'expert' he might chose to consult.

For me this is what Person Centred Consultancies is all about. If I wanted to just set up a business that was all about offering solutions to people without this person centred approach, I'd be claiming I was 'the expert' in all of their needs. I am not and do not profess to be, regardless of the training, qualifications or experience I have.

YES I have information, and YES some advice, and YES to plans and designer programmes that could help someone or an organisation to develop. However only with a commitment and understanding from them that person centred is what they are after and with the option to create something specific to their needs, uniquely their own and is created between us in a person centred way.

I hope he takes up my offer to 'meet me' in the person centred way with finding a solution to his problem. He might find the results stay around a lot longer as it would have also come from within and not simply have been 'cut and pasted' so to speak, onto him.

chat soon!

Patricia Mata
copyright 2006

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